So many things have happened, and I haven't even had the luxury of escaping to blogland. But, the Wi-fi's back up, so here I am with lemonade in tow.
Why lemonade, you might ask? Well, that's what I do when life hands me lemons, I make lemonade. I've had a lot of lemons roll into my life over the last few days, some of them pretty big. On the upside, I can at least say the nightmares that started last week have finally stopped.
Saturday afternoon I answered the phone to find a hysterical child on the other end, our daughter. She's been struggling for a bit, but has been resistant about accepting our help. I can respect that, she's an adult and can make her own decisions and live her own life. The problem is she has made some really bad decisions and even worse choices. It all came crashing in on her and she had no where else to turn. I wish she'd have come to us sooner, but, that's water under the bridge at this point.
We addressed the most immediate problems that day. She is facing some health issues, and even though she works full time, her employer does not offer health insurance. Several hundred dollars later we obtained the meds she needs. Not what we wanted to do, but you can't put a price on your child's health.
Our attempts to get the weekend plans back on track went awry when we discovered a total lack of hot water. A closer look revealed a flooded basement and blown hot water tank. Oh the joys of being a homeowner. Silly me decided that it would be much easier and way more efficient to just bite the bullet and help Musicman get the new tank into the house and down to the basement. We managed it, but my body protested most vociferously for the next few days. Every single inch of my body screamed with pain, and not the good kind.
A weekend like that almost made me happy to see Monday come. Almost, but Monday brought it's own brand of hell, in the form of a text message from our daughter. Things with her roommates had become unbearable, she felt she couldn't go back there with out major problems occurring. Yep, we moved her back in with us that night. I'm thrilled we are able to help her, but I'm not so happy she's back living with us.
I feel like I'm walking a tightrope. On one hand, I understand completely that she's young and she will make mistakes. I even believe she understands that she will have to deal with the consequences of her decisions. But, I want to kill the people that have caused her pain. I don't care how old she is, she's my baby girl, don't mess with her or you'll have to face me. She won't let me do that though, I'm struggling to respect her wishes.
On the other hand, I want to shake her till her teeth rattle. There is absolutely no reason why she is dealing with some of the things she is now dealing with. We taught her better than that. I always believed the best way to empower my kids was to arm them with knowledge, so I did that. Apparently, given the situation she now finds herself in, she didn't pay as much attention to the things we tried to teach her as I thought she had.
These kinds of incidents don't leave much time for D/s or playtime. But, our relationship, including the D/s aspect of it actually runs pretty well on autopilot when needed. Musicman has been very tuned in to the storm of emotions that have come with this situation. He has stayed close, often pulling me into his arms or onto his lap for a moment of rest. He assures me every time, "everything is going to be okay...I promise." It reminds me that when I think I have no where to turn, I have him to turn to and I always will.
I know he doesn't know how this is all going to work out, but every time he says that to me, I believe him. Having her here in the house means curtailing some activities, but they haven't gone away. He understands I need the release that pain brings. I need the escape into subspace that only he can give me. We are both adjusting to once again playing quietly or playing on a time schedule. We don't like it much, but we are adjusting.
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. Ours was quiet, and despite the fact that we have a long way to go in getting our daughter back on her feet, despite the fact that the wi-fi connection is still spotty,despite everything, we have much to be thankful for and lots of lemonade too. I made plenty of pies, but the dog got the apple pie, so you'll have to settle for something else.