
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Fickle Bitch and the Masturbatory Tale

Great title if I do say so myself, unfortunately it's not nearly as interesting as it sounds. Musicman may say I am a fickle bitch on occasion, but it's not me I'm talking about.

Mother Nature is the fickle bitch, one that could surely use a good spanking. Over the weekend we finally had some warm weather, very summer like 70's and even hit 80 one day. Today? Today it was in the 30's and we have received several inches of new snow. Sigh, I really am so tired of winter, as I imagine most of us in this country are.

So, if anyone sees her, please send her to the corner until we are able to locate someone willing to take her over their knee for a good sound spanking. I think she has earned it.

As for the highlight of my day, and no, driving through a blizzard to work wasn't it, it's a masturbatory tale. No, it wasn't me.

I work with intellectually disabled senior citizens. At best, most of them have a mental age of a young teen, essentially they are little kids in old people bodies. They can be a lot of fun, but they all have their own special quirks. Don't we all?

We have a gentleman who particularly enjoys looking at magazines. The staff is usually quite careful about what magazines they give him, mostly nature type ones. Today however, someone wasn't paying attention and gave him one of the popular gossip mags that seem to be everywhere these days.

He enjoyed the pics of the girl in the bikini so much that he decided to expose himself and get busy. He did this in plain sight of anyone who cared to look his way. The male staff member that gave him the magazine was the first one to spot him, but was leery of approaching him. This particular client does not like him very much and has the potential to become violent, especially if you try to take his magazines away.

Guess who they recruited to take care of the situation? Yep, me. This particular client happens to like me and has never given me any problems. He has even been known to let me sit with him and share his magazines, something he doesn't let just anybody do. He cooperated and let me have the magazine and even tucked himself back in and zipped when I very matter of factly told him to.  Wish I could say this is the first time in my career I have had to address a situation like that, but it isn't.

Now, aren't ya'll glad I have decided to share more?
Tinkerbell Tinker bell laugh by on @deviantART


  1. Faerie, you really do have a way with men - I'm impressed and wish I had your touch! As for Mother nature she need to go f**k herself!

    1. I've had a life time of dealing with men who think they can intimidate me, both personally and professionally. It never works and it never will. As for Mother Nature, she surely needs a good lay, maybe that would improve her mood some.

  2. well, it made me smile! Well done for dealing with it so well.

    as for Mother Nature... oh dear. Maybe she needs lots of hugs or something? and THEN a very good spanking!

    1. That incident was mild compared to some I have had to deal with over my career. I really just found it all quite amusing. If you think hugs would help Mother nature, well, go for it, I'm too irritated with her to see it that way.

  3. Hey Faerie...yup, we've had the warm weather to cold to snow to freeze warnings and are now headed for a bit warmer with lots of rain! Personally, I think Mother Nature is just having a pure D temper tantrum and needs a barn burner!

    Good gravy...ya sure can't say you have a boring job now can ya. ;)

    And yes...I am happy you decided to share.

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. Yep, I'd say the weather we've been subjected to this winter amounts to a temper tantrum. It needs to stop, now. No, I definitely don't have a boring job, but it's easier than some I've had over the years and I do love it even on challenging days.

  4. Jack Frost visited my house. We had sparkles on our nice green grass. He would be willing to take care of Mother Nature but I bet he is part of the problem.

    1. As rough as this winter has been for us up here in the north, I really feel badly for those that live in places that have been hit so hard and aren't used to dealing with it. That has to be tough. Maybe we need to find someone to take both Mother nature and Jack Frost in hand.

  5. Hey Faerie, we have had constant grey skies and rain or showers for what feels like weeks! Then again, it is autumn here. Sigh

    I agree with Cat, your job is definitely not boring! I think it's wonderful what you do:) oh boy though, you handled that so well!


    1. Ugh, I hate when the weather is grey and rainy, it really brings me down. Do you get snow where you live? No, boring is not the way I would describe my job. Compared to some things I've dealt with over the course of my 35 year career, this was pretty mild.

  6. I think at the moment Mother Nature spends a lot of time in Europe, with a lot of warmth. And it sounds as if this gentleman likes reading a lot, doesn't he? But it is great that you handled the situation so well and even if there is a lot of daily routine in many jobs, yours does not sound like a boring one.



    1. I wish Mother Nature would bring some of her warm weather and visit here for a bit. It would be a very welcome change. This gentleman can't really read, he just enjoys looking at the pictures. He enjoyed that particular picture a little too well. No, my job is not boring, it does however make for some amusing stories.

  7. You handled the situation so well.
    As for mother nature, she certainly needs to be dealt with firmly...our newly blossoming tulips were not happy to have a thin layer of snow land on top of them.

    1. Thanks, I didn't really find it that big of a deal, just kinda funny. Oh, I do hope your tulips survive. We haven't had enough extended warmth yet for things to really start blooming yet.
