
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Would Chocolate Help?

I'm feeling a bit scattered today, kinda sluggish and low energy. Subdrop, I suppose. Considering the intensity and frequency we have been playing lately, I'm not surprised. I actually expected it yesterday, which is why I kept myself busy. I've found it helps me to work through it if I stay busy.

Today I feel like an addict looking for her next fix. The bubble of submissiveness and contentment I've been living in is thinning and I don't want it to break. I like how it insulates me from the world, nothing negative can reach me there. I want to lose myself in the safety and innocence of his Dominance.

I want to wallow in the freedom, letting my thoughts wander, unhindered, wherever they may go. I want to lose myself in the memories that evoke such strong physical reactions. I want to feed all the desires that seem to suddenly be so far away.

I try to reason with myself. It's only been one day since we played last. It's only sex. In the over all scheme of things, this isn't all that important. The problem with that is, I don't really believe myself. In the over all scheme of things, it is just sex, but that's important to me. Maybe, more important then it should be.

Of course, it's not just about the sex, it's about the Dominance and the pain. I crave those things sometimes. The dominance is always there, but I feel it most strongly when it comes with the pain, which for us, leads to more. It's that wonderful combination of sexual satisfaction combined with the submissive mindset that comes from the pain and the Dominance that I crave.

I have realized that the more I get those things, the more I want them. It's become an insatiable need. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I just know I don't like this in between feeling. Which seems so silly, what grown women can't handle going a few days without a spanking or sex?

Do ya 'spose chocolate would help?


  1. Chocolate makes everything seem better even if it isn't.

  2. Ahhh yes....faerie, I've been experiencing some of this myself today. Lovely-worded post.
    Chocolate always helps ;o)

    1. I hope your feeling better now. If not, want some brownies?

  3. I don't know if chocolate will help but I certainly think you should give it a try. Maybe try smearing it on you body and asking Musicman help clean it off.


    1. Sounds like a good way to beat subdrop, wish I'd have thought of it before I baked brownies, lol :)

  4. I was just going to say: "yes, it helps", but now PK has made me doubt.
    I always thought that chocolate should be administered orally.
    Oh well, either way: It helps!

    1. I believe there is an oral element to what PK suggests ;D I made brownies, it did help.

  5. Chocolate solves everything! lol

    It sounds like a case of sub frenzy which is normal, well as normal as it gets, i have periods when i crave more control but its just that after a while everything becomes 'normal' so i look for that extra 'kick'..does that make sense?

    Just enjoy it and let it flow.


    1. Yeah...that makes perfect sense to me. This isn't the first time I've experienced it, but I never seem to be prepared for it. I think I'll lay in a store of brownie mixes, lol.

  6. Chocolate can help anything. :)

  7. Faerie: How stimulating that you always want more so you never get satiated. And I love chocolate and PK's suggestion about how to use it.


    1. So ya don't think it's a bad thing? I sometimes wonder. I went with brownies this time, but maybe next time I'll try PK's suggestion :)

  8. Chocolate always helps if only for a little while.

    1. A little while is all I need, just enough to get me past the rough part :)

  9. Replies
    1. I'm not really much of a chocoalte person, but in this case, it did help :)

  10. I get that way - the kind of junkie looking for a fix kind of way - the next high that never quite matches the last high, except when it does. :)

    Cycles - we have them. I am thinking of going back through my posts and mapping them out to see if I can start predicting them so I can keep busy.

    (Oh, and chocolate never really hurts anything.)

    1. That's it exactly, like it's never gonna happen again, until it does. I've thought of going back through my posts to see if I can spot it too, but I haven't. I think maybe I'll just start keeping a supply of brownies on hand, lol :)

  11. I love this post! Very well said, and chocolate always helps! :)

    1. Thanks Kitty, I felt so scattered when I wrote it that I didn't think it would make much sense to anyone. I'm glad I was wrong :)

  12. Dark Chocolate- Peppermint Patties for me.

    I feel that way just after a "I Love You" or "Mine" text.

    Insatiable for the next fix.


    1. Funny how even the smallest things can give us that fix we are looking for and yet make us crave still more. Brownies did the trick for me :)

  13. The way I see it, faerie, chocolate can't possibly hurt, so why not give it a try?

    1. Your right, the brownies I baked didn't hurt a thing, lol :)
