When we both worked fulltime and the kids were younger and life was just so busy, we didn't have much "us" time. We even had a time when the kids were little that we scheduled time for sex. I remember it was Wednesday nights. The reason we picked Wednesday was because we always made time for sex on the weekends, but we wanted more, so Wednesdays it was.
Now we don't need to schedule time as our life has slowed down considerably. However, we are still in the habit of taking advantage of the time and available energy on the weekends for some more involved and energetic romps. It is not unusual for us to retire to our room very early on Saturday's to play.
Unfortunately that was not the case this past Saturday evening as Musicman was a bit under the weather. We had a great day together doing some shopping and errands. I found some small things I needed for the paddle I am making, and clothespins.
I laughed when he asked me why I needed the clothespins since we already had some. The look on his face when I told him the ones we had were the wrong kind cracked me up. I'm still not sure he realizes that clothespins can be considered a pervertable or why I wanted that particular style. I guess if he doesn't figure it out I will tell him at some point.
While I was a bit disappointed about not having playtime Saturday night, I was more upset that he was not feeling well. I really had nothing to complain about as far as playtime since we had been together Friday night and again Saturday morning. Really, it would not be too cool of me to complain about only having sex once a day. It would be kind of like complaining that I only orgasmed 5 or 6 times as opposed to double digits. That never gets me any sympathy.
Sunday was a bit of an odd day. I had woken up from a terrible nightmare and was a bit off. I let things get to me and just got stressed out. I cry when I'm stressed, not very productive, but there it is. Musicman was busy with things he needed to get done, but he checked on me frequently to see how I was doing. I stayed busy and by mid afternoon was better. Our son had been in and out all day. Playtime was not even on my radar.
I'm not sure if it was on Musicman's radar or if it was the email I had sent him that put it on his radar. I had sent him an email earlier in the week, just kind of clarifying and reinforcing some things. As usual, I forgot to tell him I sent it. Oh well, he apparently found it while I was making dinner.
I suspect that because after dinner I was taken up to our room and was soon naked and bent over the edge of the lounge. The hairbrush got a pretty decent workout. I was off in Lala land after the second stroke. At one point he reached for my hair to guide me upright. He was saying something to me, not sure what, I don't hear too well when I'm lost in the fog that way. When I didn't say anything I found myself being pushed back down and the hairbrush came into play again. And then hands, and mouth and other delicious body parts.
Many orgasms later he lifted me up to guide me to the bed. It is only a few feet away, but if he had let go of me at that point I would most likely have fallen over. That's how out of it I was at that point, lost in the nirvana of ecstasy and incapable of coherent thought or action. I didn't need to think though as he told me exactly what he wanted. I was very happy to give him everything he wanted, and I did, twice. I like the way he is upping the intensity.